Today, we are going to demonstrate the new Rhino GPD-40 Fence Pro Gas Powered Post Driver. The driver is becoming a vital piece of fence installation equipment. We are going to demonstrate it here in the snow.
The fence pro has interchangeable adapters for different size posts.
I’m going to pound a 2-inch pipe and 1 5/8-inch pipe.
Along with the snow we have ice on top of the ground. It rained last night so we are going to see what happens. I don’t know what is going to happen. I will put on my ear plugs and safety gear before starting the driver.
To start it, remember to prime it, close the choke, turn the kill switch off and set the fast idle. Pull the starter rope once, open the choke and pull again.
I placed the Rhino GPD-40 Fence Pro on the top of the fence post by lowering the post down to where I can slide the chuck over the top of the post. I then lift the post upward, grab the handles and press the throttle when I’m ready to start pounding in the post.
It took about 1:15 to drive the 1 5/8-inch pipe into the frozen ground.
It was a good example of going through the ice and frozen ground. You can see that it got soft towards the end. We started going through faster at about 2 feet deep, maybe 2 ½ feet at the most. You can see how great it worked and that it will do great in winter conditions.
We then tried a 2-inch piece of 16-gauge tubing. We’ll see if we mushroom the top. I marked the tubing every six inches from the bottom to monitor the progress.
It was tougher going this time. It took a little longer for the softer tubing to break through the frost in the ground. But eventually it worked. It took 3:57 to go more than 3 feet into the ground.
As you can see in the video, after about 2 ½ feet to 3 feet deep I finally got through the frost in the ground. It then started to go down a lot faster.
To me it was a success.
Later I pulled the post out with the Rhino MP-3 Post Puller to see if we hit any rocks. In fact, the bottom of the 2-inch tubing was dented in to indicate that it was hampered by a rock underground.
When I went to lift the Rhino GPD-40 off the tubing, the driver was stuck indicating that the top of the softer piping did mushroom. I loosened the chuck-lok nut and let it fall down around the tubing and lifted the driver off the post. The 2-piece adaptor fell away allowing the driver to lift freely.
It did mushroom the top, but it was a success. We got the fence post in, and we got the pounder off.
As leaders in the Michigan fencing industry,
L&C Enterprise-USA believes placing emphasis on working with people. We are dedicated to providing fencing solutions that keep you safe, secure and look elegant. We believe that the products L&C Enterprise-USA offers, helps take the strain off of your fence crews and satisfy your customers. Leadership is by example.
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Hey really enjoy all the videos and tips on fencing as i am newer to chainlink fencing in the last few years but i had a question about the gas powered post pounders i see you using in many videos, I am wondering when do you choose to cement the posts and when do you choose to use the pounders? I live in Northern BC, Canada where winter months are long and cold but ground conditions are typically lots of clay or variation in sizes of gravels and frost levels go quite deep. Anyways hoping you guys are able to point me in the right direction as to cementing or pounding and thanks for the time and the great videos.